The days are getting longer and so is the 'to do' list! As if I don't already have enough to do, I am constantly looking for new things to start, finding old things to finish and getting way too sidetracked on whats at hand. I am definitely not someone that could ever say I'm bored. I know that I always have the dishwasher to unstack or a load of washing to fold and to some that could seem boring, but in my new found acceptance of the simple life I try to lead I have found worth in the everyday mundane. I certainly don't finish everything in the day and the kitchen bench seems to always be untidy (the dumping ground), but my days are filled with so much gratitude (for the mess???) and happiness, it just doesn't bother me any more. I cant imagine my house ever being something you would find in the pages of Home Beautiful magazine and I think I quite like it that way.
Adding to my wool collection. |
I have picked up the needles again and have been practicing different types of stitches/patterns. My 'practicing' will be our new dishcloths. My first attempt is full of little holes as will my second and third probably. Lincraft and Spotlight have lots of specials at the moment so I have been stocking up. Once I get better my next knitting project will be wool socks. Hubby cant wait and insists he gets the first pair. Ultimately I want to knit some nice cardy's or jumpers and DD has picked out a few dresses from the old (as in 80's) books I picked up at the op shop. By the time I get around to that she will probably be a lot older and realise how out of fashion they are and change her mind....I hope.
Hippeastrums are blooming beautiful! |
The zucchinis are going crazy. |
The garden is growing nicely and starting to pop with colour and life. We moved the lemon tree from the back garden out the front. I was really worried it wouldn't take so have given it the most love and it seems to be ok. We also put a new lime tree in which we gratefully received from my sister-in-law as she is moving north. It needed some love too and together they should burst with flowers and fruit soon. I have also been swapping and sharing a lot of plants. I recently gifted friends with some dragon fruit, turmeric and Moses in a basket and in return received lambs ear, leek, strawberries and some terracotta pots. It feels so nice to see the love of swapping/giving among friends and community.
The lemon and lime in their new homes. |
Books around the house we are reading at the moment. |
Disturbing the girls in their sleep, sorry Trix and Jess, goodnight x |
The chickens are doing great and becoming more and more friendly as the days go on. We had friends came over on the weekend and their son really had a way with them. They came straight up to him and were quite happy to let him touch them. Since then DD has been determined for the same treatment and can finally understand what it means to be calm around them and now they respond. She is so happy now that Trixie will eat out of her hands. Wonder how long it will be before I come out the back and find her cuddling with them.....
Trixie is becoming more and more friendly. |
Stewed apple and pear to create the kids 'fruit suckies'. |
In the kitchen its much the same as usual. No new cooking adventures as yet. I cant seem to keep myself away from the garden. The freezer is full with a lamb (which means lots of yummy hubby curries) and other bits and bobs and the pantry cupboard is filling too. I have taken to stockpiling really well (works nicely with my hoarder personality), but I do need to get my groove on in the kitchen and whiz up some new delights for the gang.
First crop of the season, crunchy radishes. |
Passionfruit pulp and rhubarb to freeze. |
That about sums up my glorious week. I hope you have had a wonderful week too. Now I am back out to the garden to give some mulching love - after I unstack the dishwasher. xx